Within the UK’s competitive recruitment industry, standing out to potential clients is a challenge that requires more than just a basic understanding of marketing.

It demands a strategic approach to retargeting—the art of reconnecting with users who have previously engaged with your content but didn’t convert. This guide is crafted with marketing managers and directors in mind, offering a blend of professional insight and light-hearted wisdom to enhance your retargeting campaigns.

Best Practices for Retargeting Campaigns: A 7-Point Checklist

1. Fine-tune Your Audience Segments

Understanding the difference between casual browsers and those closer to conversion is crucial for effective retargeting. For casual visitors, your ads should pique their interest, highlighting the broad benefits of your services to deepen their curiosity. For individuals who have actively engaged with your forms or listings, adopt a more personalized approach in your retargeting, using ads that remind them of what they viewed or the steps left to complete their application, alongside success stories.

This strategy ensures your retargeting connects meaningfully with each visitor’s level of interest, transforming casual browsers into committed users and maximizing the efficiency of your advertising efforts.

2. Get the Timing Right

Finding the right balance in ad frequency is key to effective retargeting, avoiding the extremes of invisibility and annoyance. Starting with a moderate approach, like a three-ad-per-day cap, ensures your message is noticed without being overwhelming.

The crucial part is adjusting based on engagement metrics and feedback—if click-through rates drop or negative feedback increases, it’s a sign to reassess your strategy. Diversifying your ads within this frequency prevents ad fatigue, keeping your brand engaging. The aim is to stay present in your audience’s mind without becoming a nuisance, requiring a mix of data analysis and creative variation to refine your strategy for optimal impact.

3. Engage with Creative Content

In digital marketing, ads must quickly grab attention and resonate with potential candidates, especially in recruitment where quick career decisions are common. Highlighting career growth, by illustrating a journey from entry-level to leadership, effectively sells not just a job, but a future. Similarly, showcasing a company’s vibrant culture appeals to those seeking a fulfilling workplace, not just a salary. Ads that depict team events or innovative workspaces can attract culturally compatible candidates, enhancing job appeal. Understanding what motivates your audience allows you to craft ads that not only capture attention but also inspire action towards career advancement.

4. Expand Across Channels

Limiting retargeting to one platform can narrow your reach, akin to fishing in just one pond. Different platforms connect with varied audience segments; professionals may use LinkedIn for work and Facebook or Instagram for leisure.

By extending campaigns across channels, you enhance the chance of engaging past visitors with tailored messaging—formal on LinkedIn, vibrant on Instagram. This strategy broadens your visibility and combats ad fatigue by presenting fresh, relevant content across users’ preferred online spaces, increasing the likelihood of attracting attention and optimizing your ad spend.

5. Choose Your Platforms Wisely

Choosing the right platforms is key to effective retargeting, particularly for reaching professionals. LinkedIn stands out for its professional audience, providing a prime space for career-focused messaging. Tailoring your strategy to platforms like LinkedIn ensures your ads are highly relevant and impactful, as users are in a mindset receptive to career opportunities.

However, don’t overlook the benefits of other platforms. Facebook and Instagram, for example, offer a wider reach and a chance to present your company culture in a relaxed, engaging manner. Prioritizing platforms that match your audience’s professional interests can significantly increase the success of your retargeting efforts.

Adopting a strategic approach, recognizing each platform’s strengths, and aligning your efforts with your audience’s preferences can lead to more effective and impactful retargeting campaigns.

6. Never Stop Optimising

The digital marketing landscape constantly changes, making it crucial to stay agile in your retargeting strategies. Regularly analyzing your campaign data is key to keeping pace. This means closely examining metrics like click-through and conversion rates to see what’s working and what isn’t. Such insights help you adjust your approach, fine-tune ad creatives, and reallocate your budget more effectively.

Periodic analysis allows you to spot trends, understand audience preferences, and quickly address any underperforming areas. This iterative process ensures your campaigns remain effective and aligned with current digital marketing best practices. By embracing this continuous cycle of evaluation and optimization, you position your retargeting efforts for ongoing success, adapting swiftly to the ever-evolving digital marketing environment.

7. Prioritise User Privacy

User privacy is a paramount concern, adhering to regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is critical for any marketing campaign.

This compliance is not merely a matter of following best practices; it’s a fundamental requirement. GDPR, along with similar regulations, mandates stringent handling of personal data, ensuring that individuals’ privacy rights are respected. Ensuring your campaigns are in line with these rules not only safeguards against legal repercussions but also enhances trust with your audience. Demonstrating a commitment to privacy through GDPR compliance can significantly bolster your brand’s reputation, affirming to users that their data is handled securely and with respect.

This approach is essential in building long-lasting relationships with your audience, grounded in trust and transparency.

Retargeting Campaigns Pitfalls: 5 Common Errors

1. Ignoring Privacy and Consent

Overstepping in your retargeting efforts can lead to more than just uninterested viewers—it can lead to legal issues. Always play by the rules.

2. Not Segmenting Your Audience

Treating all site visitors the same is a missed opportunity. Without segmentation, your message may as well be a whisper in the wind.

3. Forgetting About Ad Fatigue

Seeing the same ad repeatedly doesn’t just bore your audience; it can annoy them. Keep your content fresh and engaging to avoid this pitfall.

4. Overlooking the Importance of Accurate Tracking

If you’re not properly tracking your campaign’s performance, you’re essentially navigating without a compass. Make sure your tracking setup is on point.

5. Mismatched Messaging

Ensure your ads reflect the journey your audience has taken. Irrelevant messages can confuse and disengage potential clients.


For marketing leaders in the UK recruitment sector, retargeting is not just about reminding potential clients of your existence. It’s about engaging them with thoughtful, relevant content that resonates.

By following these best practices and avoiding common mistakes, you can create retargeting campaigns that not only capture attention but also convert interest into action. Remember, the goal is to connect, engage, and convert with finesse and respect for your audience’s needs and preferences.

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