With SEO strategies and algorithms, Domain Authority (DA) emerges as a beacon for many marketing managers and directors aiming to elevate their recruitment business’s online presence.

With a decade of hands-on experience in SEO, particularly in the recruitment industry, I’ve navigated through the trenches of search engine algorithms, trends, and best practices. This article draws from that reservoir of knowledge to demystify DA and provide you with actionable insights to boost your website’s authority.

What is Domain Authority?

Moz’s Domain Authority (DA) stands as a pivotal metric for gauging a website’s potential rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). Picture it as your website’s credit score; however, instead of assessing financial reliability, it scrutinizes your site’s credibility and overall SEO potency. This metric, ranging from one to 100, is derived from an algorithm developed by Moz, aiming to predict how well a website will perform against its competitors in SERP rankings.

At its core, DA is influenced by various factors, most notably the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website. Imagine your website is a candidate running for office, and each backlink is a vote of confidence in your expertise and authority. Just as in any election, not all votes are equal. A backlink from a highly reputable site like a leading industry journal or a well-regarded educational institution carries more weight than a link from a lesser-known blog.

For example, a recruitment agency specializing in tech jobs might receive a backlink from a well-respected tech conference. This link would significantly bolster the agency’s Domain Authority more than a link from a small, local job fair’s website. It’s these high-quality backlinks that signal to search engines your site is a trustworthy source of information, thereby increasing your DA score.
Additionally, the DA algorithm considers factors such as how your site’s backlink profile compares to those of competitors and the diversity of linking domains.

A diversified backlink profile — receiving links from many different sites rather than just a few — indicates a broad endorsement of your site’s authority and relevance.

It’s crucial to understand that DA is a relative metric. A DA score of 40 might be quite competitive in some niches but below average in others. Recruitment agencies, for example, operate in a highly competitive online space, making a higher DA score essential for standing out. In this context, increasing your DA score from 40 to 60 could significantly impact your visibility in search results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Improving your DA is not about quick fixes or gaming the system; it’s about building a solid foundation of high-quality, relevant backlinks and providing valuable, engaging content that earns those links naturally over time. This long-term strategy not only boosts your DA but also aligns with Google’s guidelines, ensuring your site is poised for sustainable growth in search rankings.

How is Moz Domain Authority calculated?

The computation of Domain Authority (DA) by Moz intricately examines various elements, knitting them together into a singular DA score. This score, reflective of a website’s predicted ranking capability on search engine result pages (SERPs), hinges predominantly on two pivotal factors: the quantity of linking root domains and the aggregate count of links directed at the website.

Let’s delve deeper into these components and illustrate their impact with tangible examples, especially within the context of the recruitment industry.

Linking Root Domains:

This refers to the number of unique domains linking back to your website. It’s crucial to note that multiple backlinks from the same domain count as one linking root domain.

For instance, if a recruitment blog dedicated to tech jobs links to your site in ten separate articles, it’s considered one linking root domain. This metric underscores the importance of earning backlinks from a wide array of domains rather than accumulating multiple links from a few sources.

A recruitment agency could enhance its DA by securing backlinks from various sectors it recruits for, such as IT, healthcare, and engineering sites, rather than focusing solely on general recruitment directories.

Total Number of Links:

This encompasses all backlinks pointing to your site, regardless of their origin. While the diversity of linking root domains is key, the sheer volume of backlinks also plays a significant role in DA calculation.

For example, a recruitment firm specialising in the creative industry might receive a high volume of backlinks from both industry-specific job boards and broader sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. Although the total number of links is important, the quality and relevance of these links cannot be overstated; search engines increasingly prioritise link quality over quantity.

The DA score thus synthesises these dimensions into a holistic measure of a website’s likelihood to rank well in SERPs. This score ranges from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a stronger online presence and higher potential to rank.

It’s a comparative tool as much as it is analytical. For instance, a recruitment company with a DA score of 65 is considered to have a stronger online presence and ranking potential than a competitor with a DA score of 50. This comparison is particularly useful for SEO strategists and marketing managers in mapping out their competitive landscape and setting benchmarks for their own site’s performance.

Moreover, tracking changes in DA over time allows businesses to gauge the effectiveness of their SEO strategies. A steady increase in DA could indicate successful link-building efforts and content strategies, while a decline may prompt a review of potential issues such as lost backlinks or increased competition.

In sum, DA’s calculated score offers a vital snapshot of a website’s ranking strength, enabling businesses, especially in the recruitment sector, to make informed decisions about their SEO strategies and competitive positioning. It’s not just a number but a reflection of a site’s authority, influence, and visibility on the internet landscape.

What is a Good Domain Authority score?

A DA score ranges from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank. However, “good” is relative. For recruitment businesses with an annual turnover of £1 million plus, aiming for a score above 60 is a healthy target, given the competitive landscape.

How to check Domain Authority

Checking your DA is straightforward with tools like Moz’s Link Explorer, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Input your website URL, and voilà, you have your score. Regular monitoring helps gauge your SEO health.

Domain Authority: what you really need to know…

1. Domain Authority is not a ranking factor

It’s a common misconception that DA directly influences Google rankings. Instead, it’s a helpful indicator of how competitive your site is in SERPs.

2. Domain Authority is not the only site authority metric

While DA is widely used, it’s not the only metric out there. Others like Ahrefs’ Domain Rating (DR) also provide insights into your site’s strength.

3. Google’s PageRank is the original authority metric

Google’s PageRank was the first metric to assess website authority, emphasising the importance of backlinks long before DA was a twinkle in Moz’s eye.

4. Improving Domain Authority & off-page SEO go hand-in-hand

Boosting your DA inevitably means improving your off-page SEO—primarily through quality backlinks.

How to increase Domain Authority (safely)

1. Get listed in directories

For recruitment businesses, getting listed in industry-specific directories not only boosts DA but also directs high-intent traffic to your site.

2. Write great content

Content is king, and its kingdom is vast. Engaging, insightful content attracts backlinks, a critical component of DA.

3. Contribute guest posts

Share your expertise on reputable sites. It’s a win-win: you gain backlinks, and the hosting site benefits from your knowledge.

4. Invest in public relations

Effective PR strategies can lead to mentions and backlinks from high-authority sites, significantly impacting your DA.

5. Try broken link building

This underutilised strategy involves finding broken links on other websites, creating relevant content to replace it, and suggesting site owners link to your content instead.

Other ways to use Domain Authority in your SEO strategy

1. Choose keywords according to DA

A higher DA score means you can compete for more competitive keywords. Analyse your DA to guide your keyword strategy.

2. Identify your SEO priorities

Your DA can help prioritise SEO tasks by highlighting areas for improvement, especially in link-building efforts.

3. Pay attention to Google’s guidelines

Google’s ever-evolving algorithms mean that adhering to their guidelines is crucial. A good DA score today doesn’t guarantee it tomorrow without continuous effort.

Increase Domain Authority, improve your ranking

Elevating your DA is not an overnight task; it’s a strategic endeavour that, when done correctly, can significantly impact your site’s visibility and ranking. Drawing on my extensive experience and success in SEO within the recruitment sector, I can confidently say that the rewards of diligently improving your DA are manifold.


Boosting your Domain Authority (DA) indeed requires a mindset geared for the long haul. It’s an endeavour that unfolds over time, much like a marathon, where strategic pacing, resilience, and adherence to best practices determine success. This journey of incrementally enhancing your recruitment business’s online visibility is rooted in consistent effort, strategic planning, and a deep commitment to quality and Google’s ever-evolving SEO guidelines.

Consider the scenario of a recruitment agency specialising in the tech sector, striving to elevate its DA from 40 to 60. This goal isn’t achieved overnight nor through random, isolated efforts. It begins with a comprehensive audit of current backlink quality, followed by an outreach strategy targeting authoritative sites in the tech and recruitment fields. The agency might start by crafting high-quality, insightful content that addresses current trends in tech recruitment, thus naturally attracting backlinks from industry blogs, forums, and news sites. Each piece of content and each backlink serves as a step forward in this marathon, gradually building the agency’s online authority and DA score.

Simultaneously, the agency remains vigilant about Google’s guidelines, ensuring that all SEO activities are above board to avoid penalties that could set back progress. For example, a sudden drop in DA could signal that Google has devalued some of the site’s backlinks due to non-compliance with its quality standards. Recognizing this, the agency then doubles down on securing high-quality backlinks and improving site user experience to align more closely with Google’s emphasis on valuable, user-centric content.

Moreover, the agency maintains a steady pace by regularly reviewing its SEO strategy, adapting to shifts in Google’s algorithm, and refining its content and backlinking tactics accordingly. This might mean leveraging emerging SEO trends or technologies, such as voice search optimization or focusing on mobile-first indexing, to stay ahead in the marathon.

In essence, the journey to boosting your DA is marked by strategic, well-planned efforts that align with both your recruitment business’s goals and the broader ecosystem of SEO best practices and guidelines. With patience, consistency, and a commitment to quality, your recruitment agency can not only achieve but also sustain SEO success, ensuring a strong, visible online presence in the competitive recruitment industry landscape.

TL:DR Summary

Boosting Domain Authority involves understanding its calculation, recognizing its role in SEO, and implementing strategic actions such as quality link-building, content creation, and leveraging other site authority metrics. While DA isn’t a direct Google ranking factor, improving it can significantly enhance your site’s competitive edge in SERPs.

Ready to elevate your recruitment business’s SEO strategy and increase your Domain Authority? Click the button below to book a 15-minute consultation with me, leveraging a decade of SEO expertise specifically tailored to the recruitment industry’s unique challenges and opportunities.


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