Is SEO a Dying Sector? The same question is posed to digital marketers year after year. ‘Does SEO have a future?’ Is it a dying trade?’ When this rhetoric rears its ugly head at the end of the year, it astounds me. I’m wondering why SEO is getting so much attention. The unequivocal response is no. The SEO industry is not extinct. In fact, I believe SEO will grow in importance over the next 5-10 years.
How does the Google Algorithm Work? Google’s search algorithm is one of the most important technologies ever made. 5.6 billion Google searches are made every day, so it’s safe to say Google has a big impact on the world and on your business as well. But what is the Google Search Algorithm, and how does it work? And, most importantly, how can you get more people to come to your site regardless of it. This guide tries
How to Use Surround Sound SEO You’re probably familiar with “Surround Sound” audio, which refers to the effect generated by multiple speakers configured to create an immersive sound experience, making you feel like you are inside the action. That’s a large part of what makes watching a movie in a theatre special! Part SEO, part PR, you can use Surround Sound marketing to envelop your potential customers in information about your brand all along the path
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