Picture Source: LinkedIn.com
Hands up who’s seen ‘Taken? If you haven’t, you’ve almost definitely seen the meme.
Liam’s character tells his daughter’s kidnapper “I don’t know who you are…I possess a set of very unique skills…I will find you!”
Although most of us aren’t trained contract killers or assassins (presumably), most recruiters should also possess a set of skills, that is the ability to find that needle in the haystack, that golden balls candidate that NONE of your competitors have got on their database, that ticket to landing a 5 figure fee! (DISCLAIMER – yes candidates are people with feelings etc…).
The reality is however, many don’t. As good and effective as an agencies training might be, and the vast majority are excellent by the way – being able to find those candidates can be incredibly difficult.
These individuals are hidden, tucked away behind stable careers, good salaries, brilliant work culture, management that gives a shit and so on.
They’re not in that 12% or 13% represented in the above picture.
They’re not the ones reaching out BEGGING for a new opportunity.
Without being rude you can see that 25% anywhere. Just visit any usual job board CV database and BOOM, hello!
The issue, is that everyone’s got access, it’s like a goddamn “hook-a-duck”, the real skill lies in reaching that coveted 45%, and even dare I say those 15%.
Let’s be honest, even those “completely satisfied” candidates would possibly at least keep an open mind IF presented with the right opportunity.
“But Dan!” I hear you cry. “How do I do that?!”
You absolutely have to have a well thought out, laser-targeted and “Agent 47” style executed Social Media Marketing campaign.
“But Dan, I’m all over my Social media marketing”…Really? Then why aren’t you in front of these people?
It’s so much more than posting to LinkedIn or forums etc.
Here’s what you need to do.
This method is exactly how I helped several clients create in excess of £50k extra revenue last year. If you know someone who needs to see this, give it a share. Email them the link. Shout it from your window.
If you’d like to know more on how I can help you do the same – come and say hello!