What I think about video job specs.

In the old days, job specs or descriptions were…let’s face it – mundane.

You know what I mean, all formal, straight talking, sub heading after sub heading, bullet point after bullet point, word after painstakingly typed word.

It was hugely difficult to covey any character or personality in them, usually meaning that the reader switched off and scanned straight to the crux – what’s the salary and what are the package benefits.

But it went beyond that. Trying to sell the role was hard enough, how do you showcase the environment or culture of the candidate’s potential new work place?

Erm, you couldn’t, not effectively anyway.

Same scenario with ads for newspapers (who?!) Or later on the job boards.

You had to grab the reader’s attention with in the first 15 seconds or so. Unless you were a wordsmith or a bard it was, for the most part an arduous task.

Thankfully, there IS a better way.

Unless you’re a recluse in the Himalayas you have heard about this new fangled thing called “Social Media”!

I jest of course, but the biblical rise of social media has made the good old job spec or description a million times A) more enjoyable to produce and B) more engaging for the candidates.


Consultants on a compatible device (ergo ANY) talking into a camera as a real human being expressing the ins outs and shake it all abouts of the role they’re offering (selling).

Of course there are some old fashioned recruiters out there who will say that face to face discussions are the best.

Yes, there’s absolutely a place for the in person approach. It’s excellent for an agency that operates solely on a local basis. The reality is though that a large proportion of firms operate not only regionally and nationally but globally.

Can those same stuck in the mud recruiters claim that a candidate in Texas needs to interview in person at their office in Slough? (other places are available I am not endorsed by the town of Slough)!

Video specs have well and truly arrived and you’ve probably seen more and more agencies utilising this method.

So what’s the big deal?

It’s no secret that people buy from people. By talking into a lens it’s almost as if you’re speaking directly to the person watching (think Deadpool!) So immediately there is a subconscious connection. People buy from people…

The consultant can convey enthusiasm and other feelings to the candidate to evoke an emotional reaction from them, and as you know people buy from people… can you spot the theme here?

Also in today’s day of technology and information bombardment, either you like it or not as humans our attention spans have become somewhat selective if that’s the right word?

Essentially it’s easier to assimilate information aurally and visually than to read and digest information. The latter requires more of an investment from the reader. The former (if done properly) is subconsciously easier to do. It’s like reading a novel written in Latin vs watching The One Show (extreme example!)

For too long the recruitment industry has had a rubbish rep. I saw a post on LinkedIn recently that echoed a lime from an Eminem track, a pissed off candidate referred to the entire industry as “blood sucking succubus”, so seeing the recruiter as a person and not just a cog in an abominable machine can REALLY help with rep too!

So, finally, here’s what I think…

I think if you don’t do video specs you’re absolutely missing a trick.

Bob Dylan once wrote “the times they are a-changin'”, where realistically they already have. You’re going to get left behind. The talent pool of today is made up of an ever increasing amount of people becoming increasingly reliant of tech and in that is Social Media.

The ability for recruiters to reach exponentially more candidates than before, coupled with the ability to ENGAGE those candidates will mean that those agencies that exploit the hell out it will, invariably fare better than those that don’t, and destroy those firms who refuse to.

Video killed the radio star…Video will help you kill it in recruiting!

Once you’ve crafted your videos, if you need help reaching more of the right kinds of eyes – I can help with that with once of my Social Media Marketing packages.

Designed to really reach and engage, perfect to reach those passive candidates.

Give me a shout to hear more about it and see if we’re the right fit.

And thanks for reading!

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